Registration: February, 29 - April, 7. 2008.
Workshop registration fee: 360E
STUDENTS - registration fee: 250E
Late registration fee after deadline (after April 7.): 400 E
Registration payments should be made to the Ideja kongres d.o.o., official conference service agency.
IUC fee: 40 E (or ~ 300 KN) to be paid in cash at the registration desk.
Payments in euros:
Bank: Hypo Alpe Adria Bank d.d., branch office Dubrovnik
Address: Obala Stjepana Radica 26/A, 20 000 Dubrovnik
Swift code: HAAB HR22
IBAN HR53 2500 0091 1012 4398 6
Credite note reference number: 01-2008
Payments in Croatian kunas:
Bank: Hypo Alpe Adria Bank d.d., branch office Dubrovnik
Address: Obala Stjepana Radica 26/A, 20 000 Dubrovnik
Account No: 2500009-1101243986
Poziv na broj: 01-2008
When the registration form has been received and full payment has been credited to the congress account, in up to 10 days a letter of registration confirmation will be e-mailed to the address you have provided. Please bring this confirmation letter to the meeting as it has to be presented at the registration desk.
Notice of cancellation has to be made in writing by registered letter, fax or e-mail to the
The policy for refunding fees is as follows:
Written cancellation received:
• before May 1, 2008 > 75% refund
• on and after May 1 > no refund
The date of the postmark, fax ID or date of the sending the e-mail will be the basis for considering refunds. Please indicate all necessary information about your bank and account that you want your refund is transferred to. Refunds will be made after the conference